Showing posts with label Rings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rings. Show all posts

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Which ring picture is your favorite?

I had the opportunity to do a quick little photo shoot for someone who received a VERY special gift for Valentines Day! I would like to ask a favor of all you wonderful readers. Let me know which one is your favorite and why.







I should call "Jared The Galleria of Jewelers" to see if they want to pay me for advertising for them in this last picture! LOL.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Well, it has been a while since I have posted any pictures to this blog. I have been so busy lately. I just decided that it had been long enough. I need to play with my camera whenever I can. I need to practice. So practice I did. Here are several pictures I took tonight. I used a different setting on eachone.

I have seen the "ring" pictures when people get married. I decided to do these ring pictures in honor of Valentines day. Happy Valentines Day babe!

These two pictures of my daughter are actually the same one, I just decided to make one a black & white because I thought it was such a cute picture.

I know I am biased, but I think my kids are pretty photogenic. My son just patiently sat there while I snapped pictures.

This last picture is my favorite of the 3 ring pictures. I really got lucky with this one. You wouldn't know it, bu I had to add lot of light to this one and adjust the settings. It was very difficult. I probably took 20 pictures to get t his one!