Sunday, January 31, 2010

HDR - High Dynamic Range Photos

Today I decided to try my hand at some HDR (High Dynamic Range) photos. I think HDR can bring out some VERY interesting effects on some picutres. For those of you who don't know, HDR basically involves taking three pictures of the same scene (on a tripod without moving the camera) and changing the exposire. I use AEB +/-2 and then combined the pictures. There was also some tone adjustment done on these pictures.

I took this picture this morning as the sun was coming up.

This is a picture of my living room. The effects make the pictures look a little surreal.

I would love to hear your comments about these pictures and the HDR style of post processing.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

A.K. Photo Shoot - Daybreak, Snow, Kids, San Gelato Cafe

I had a fun photoshoot at Daybreak yesterday. First, I would like to give special thanks to San Gelato Cafe for allowing me to use their beautiful fireplace and leather chairs. They don't want this to become a destination for photographers, but I was given special permission for this photo shoot. You really have to visit them and try their delicious gelatos. I had mint chocolate chip and it was awesome!

San Gelato Cafe

San Gelato Cafe
San Gelatos Cafe really has some very warm and inviting architecture and interior designs, not to mention the good food.

Now on to the photo shoot...

These two cuties are only 11 months apart. At first glance they almost look like twins. I have to admit, that I am partial to the red hair too! I love how they are holding hands.

What a cute smile! After we finished at San Gelatos Cafe, we headed over to Daybreak Lake to get some fun snow pictures. The little guy had a lot of fun throwing snow balls at his mom!

She is so photogenic with her serious look. Click on the picture above to see more pictures of her in my Flickr account. The black & white pictures really look awesome with her serious look.

