Sunday, January 31, 2010

HDR - High Dynamic Range Photos

Today I decided to try my hand at some HDR (High Dynamic Range) photos. I think HDR can bring out some VERY interesting effects on some picutres. For those of you who don't know, HDR basically involves taking three pictures of the same scene (on a tripod without moving the camera) and changing the exposire. I use AEB +/-2 and then combined the pictures. There was also some tone adjustment done on these pictures.

I took this picture this morning as the sun was coming up.

This is a picture of my living room. The effects make the pictures look a little surreal.

I would love to hear your comments about these pictures and the HDR style of post processing.


Clark Siler said...

Really interesting! The landscape pictures really do look like models/toys. Why does it look this way?

Clark Siler said...

I always forget when Clark is logged in... ~Maryann