Monday, March 23, 2009

Las Vegas Photo Shoot

Sorry it has taken me so long to post these photos. I have been working long hours.

We took a VERY quick trip to Las Vegas and I had the opportunity to take lots of fun pictures.


I love this casual pose and soft smile.


This one was difficult to get because it was dark outside and I was in a moving car. I am shocked at how well it turned out. I love how there are so many bright colors.


I love the reds and yellows in this picture.


This picture is the surprise picture. If you look closely, you can see multiple reflections. This was on display at a street vendor on Freemont Street. When you look close, you can see several casino lights reflecting on the glass. It makes this more colorful and mysterious!


My wife loves this picture. Don't they have the most awesome smiles. Even their eyes are smiling! These are two handsome models!


The casinos pour millions of dollars into marketing research. The lights, colors, designs, speed of lights, and shapes were all designed with the purpose of drawing your attention and luring you in. That is the symbolism I see in this picture. It is very intruiguing.


This picture is quite a contrast from the previous one. Here is a creation that has taken millions of years to form this beauty. The lights, color and shapes are all very beautiful and luring in a different way.


What a perfect smile.


Here is another decoration that has curious reflections of casino lights in it.


Another beautiful aspect of these ornament picutres is the bokeh. Notice the awesome background blurs that have unique patterns.


Another perfect model!


As always, this little model loves to pose for the camera!


I did a little post-editing to this picture and I was blown away. I love the effects.

Well. Thats all for now! Enjoy. Feel free to leave your comments and critiques! I am constantly trying to improve and impress.

1 comment:

Maryann said...

I love looking at their eyes in all your pictures. Makenna has such deep, beautiful eyes.