Saturday, October 24, 2009

B.S.M. Photo Shoot - Wheeler Farm, Family, Portrait, Lifestyle

I had my first opportunity to do a photo shoot at Wheeler Farm today. It was incredibly beautiful. I couldn't believe it. There were lots of people with the same idea. I had to laugh that as I went to different spots and had my subjects pose, I noticed that different photographers would follow me around and do the same things as I was doing. Same poses too! I guess that is a complement. It really helps to have nice looking subjects.

I just love the way the fall colors come alive in these pictures. They are so vibrant.

Don't you love those dimples? I hear he gets his way when he flashes that smile.

This guy is a little stud! Look at how G.Q. he is.

Of course I have to include my standard "Sample Page" to show the different styles I can do to any picture.

There are more pictures over at my Flickr account. Follow this link:

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